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Keaton's New Tricks - 8 months 1 week

Keaton has picked up a few new tricks the past few weeks.

This one cracks us up. Being from Tennessee we are working on the prompt "Touch Down Tennessee"!

The other new trick is audio. Maybe I'll try to figure out the whole YouTube thing and post it.
Keaton now says Momma!!! And its not just a sound. He will crawl to me..."momma! momma!"
Makes me melt and dread it! Now he can call me!

He is really moving now. Creeping from couch to couch. Last night he actually stood for a few seconds with out holding on to anything. Granma was excited to see him walk holding on to brothers shirt! 2 weeks older than he is now is when Adison walked! Yes that was the week before his 9 month birthday!
If I'm not careful I'll have another early walker! Off to get the bricks!
Keaton is now walking behind his toy!! I can NOT belive it already!

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